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December 2012: Improved results of Farmacias Ahumada

To 167% grew Farmacias Ahumada's profits in the period ended December 31, 2012. According to the information sent by the company to the SVS, the consolidated result achieved a profit of $ 23,429,466, compared to $ 8,772,793 earned in 2011.

According to the company, the higher result compared to the same period last year was mainly due to higher non-operating result by $ 20,978,867. Accumulated EBITDA (operating income plus depreciation and amortization) to December 2012 reached $ 35,994,591 (4.7% of sales) against EBITDA of $ 35,414,126 (4.8% of sales) over the same period of the previous year


On April 2, according to a statement from Farmacias Ahumada, the same company agreed with the Group Mexatar and Grupo Casa Saba to adjust the purchase price for the social rights of Casa Saba Brasil Holdings to the tune of  USD $ 30 million .

International Investment Inverfar, FASA subsidiary, acquired in August 2012 to 99.9% of the capital of the Brazilian company.

"The new adjusted price has been agreed by the parties as a result of a more detailed analysis of the financial and operational aspects of the operating subsidiary of Casa Blanca Brasil Holdings, CBS Dragarias, thereby safeguarding the interests of society," according to a Corporate Action sent to the SVS.


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Andina reportó volumenes preliminares al 1T13

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